
Component test with flexible hardware

With broad possibilities for component testing, equipment management throughout the product life cycle is a challenge. FPGA-based, reconfigurable hardware with versatile instrument configurations enables you to fully characterize devices under test with a comprehensive test system. Deploy up to four instruments at a time from a complete suite of generation, analysis, and control instrumentation.


Software-defined test: An easier way to automate and validate

Watch our webinar to learn how to automate these measurements with LabVIEW.

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Testing is better together

Moku devices integrate a full suite of essential test instruments to deliver the flexibility you need for research and development, debug, validation, and more. Combine Digital Filter Boxes, Oscilloscopes, Spectrum Analyzers, and more in custom Multi-instrument Mode configurations.

Build custom signal processing pipelines

Adapt your test system to the experiment at hand with Multi-instrument Mode. Verify sensor accuracy with the Lock-in Amplifier and Spectrum Analyzer, perform Bode analysis with the Frequency Response Analyzer, and characterize devices under test with stimulus/response measurements using the Logic Analyzer/Pattern Generator.

Streamline your entire test sequence

With lossless, digital interconnections provided by a reconfigurable, FPGA-based architecture, you can eliminate excess noise and loss from your setup. Control the intuitive user interface from a distance with the convenient iPadOS, visionOS, or desktop apps without having to directly access the equipment for rewiring and reconfiguration.

Works with your preferred APIs

Built with the REST API framework, Moku APIs allow you to fully interface with Moku devices. With advanced support for LabVIEW, MATLAB, and Python, you can use tools you're already familiar with to bring your test system to the next generation of instrumentation. 


An entire bench of equipment in a reconfigurable device

Save time and energy by consolidating test equipment into a single piece of hardware, not just a single chassis or rack. Walk away from your lab bench with the iPad interface, allowing you to test from a distance. Easily run a series of tests using a single setup with a full suite of integrated instruments by reconfiguring using software — without needing to swap to another station.

Engineered for demanding applications

With Moku:Pro, you have access to multiple pieces of essential test equipment in one device. Deployed standalone, in Multi-instrument Mode, or accessed with APIs, Moku instruments cover applications such as:

Control system design
Bode analysis
MEMS characterization
• Electronics manufacturing
• Research and development


Get instant access to new instrument features

We continually update our software with new features, so your Moku device gets better over time. Check out our latest upgrades for Moku:Lab, Moku:Pro, and Moku:Go to learn how to enable multi-instrument and customization capabilities across the entire Moku product line, strengthen API support, improve the capabilities of the reconfigurable suite of instruments, and support a broader range of use cases for component validation, test automation, and other applications. Watch the video to learn more.


Compare hardware platforms

Explore Moku hardware options. Compare the instrument specs to choose the right device for your application.

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About Liquid Instruments

Most test environments are unique and require customized configuration and careful optimization of multiple instruments, adding cost and time upfront and throughout the test cycle. Liquid Instruments’ reconfigurable Moku is the only test solution that is engineered and optimized for friction-free customization in both simple tests and complex multi-instrument environments. In hundreds of labs around the world, Moku has accelerated the timeline of crossing from idea to implementation by an order of magnitude, reducing the time and cost of advanced research and development. Because our reconfigurable Moku test solutions are engineered by a team of distinguished research scientists to be easy to use and versatile, they deliver efficiency gains in the most complex test scenarios today and meet your ongoing needs in the future. Experience Moku cost-free by requesting a demo today.